Republic National Distributing Company
With a founding date that’s going all the way back to the 1890’s, the Republic National Distributing Company has a rich heritage. However, that doesn’t mean that they’re not aimed at the future. They have withstood the Prohibition era and after over 100 years and several mergers of different wine and beer distributors, in 2007 they become the Republic National Distributing Company or more commonly addressed, RNDC, that we know today.

Their company motto is simple: If it’s fun, then they’re doing it right! Their vision is simple, yet wholesome: To be the national distributor of choice of beverage alcohol producers that value the three-tier system, to build branded products and yield profits for all parties involved and to serve the needs of the Associates, suppliers, the customers, and last but certainly not least, the community.
Republic National Distributing prides themselves as being a part of many happy hours, delivering on the promise on being among the best wine, and alcohol distributors in the USA today.
Since their start, they have spread their wings quite wide, slowly expanding the business, and today the RNDC has about 9000 associate employees in many locations spanning over twenty-two states:
- North Dakota
- South Dakota
- Michigan
- Nebraska
- Colorado
- Texas
- Oklahoma
- Louisiana
- Mississippi
- Alabama
- Florida
- South Carolina
- North Carolina
- Virginia
- Kentucky
- Maryland
- West Virginia
- Ohio
- Indiana
- Washington DC
And as a partnership with other distributors in:
- Georgia
- New Mexico
- Arizona
The History Behind Republic National Distributing
Their humble beginnings were in the year 1898, as N. Goldring Corp., a licensed beer distributor in Florida. In 1935, the Dixie Wine Company decided to open up in Atlanta, and in 1939 the Block Distributing Center was founded in San Antonio, Texas. In 1942, the N. Goldring Corp, and the Dixie Wine Company become equal partners within the National Distributing Company, based in Atlanta, GA.
Fast forward to 1997…
In 1997, the Block-Goldring partnership formed the Republic Beverage Company. In 2006, both the Republic Beverage Company and the National Distributing Company began the merger process, which eventually completes in 2007, starting a new era in the newly formed Republic National Distributing Company. At that very point in time, the company became the second largest alcohol wholesaler in the USA.
Today, RNDC plays a prominent role as an experienced liaison between the suppliers and the retail businesses that sell the alcoholic beverages (both on-premise and off-premise). They have recognized the real needs of both sides, and care to the needs of both the suppliers and the end customers. RDNC core values are reflected through their work practices, and Republic National Distributing Co remains a well-respected wholesale liquor, wine and alcohol distributor.
Contact Information For RNDC USA
Corporate address:
Republic National Distributing Company, LLC
809 Jefferson Highway
New Orleans, LA 70121
United States
Phone: (504)-837-1500
Fax: (504)-849-6515
Official company website:
If you want to see a list of all the distributors operating within the United States, visit this page here.
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