Quentin Job, Managing Director – International at Cincoro Tequila, dove into the brand’s seven steps for global market expansion. Job discussed the journey the brand took, entering over 20 global markets in 10 months, from prioritizing the right markets to finding key regional partners to work with Cincoro Tequila.


Maria Pearman, CPA, Partner at Green Hasson Janks, discussed the importance of preparing your brand’s finances to enter the U.S. alcohol market. Pearman gave a step-by-step guide of all the considerations that should be made before financially committing your brand to the U.S. market.


More Resources on Route-To-Market

The Park Street Insider Daily Newsletter

Our Guide to the U.S. Alcohol Distribution Landscape

Mitigation Strategies for Potential Beverage Alcohol Tariffs

Our Guide to Getting Started in the U.S. Market

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